28 Jun 2017

And thus beginneth the blog

Well, today's the day! ðŸŽ‰ðŸŽ‰ðŸŽ‰
Having spent the last couple of weeks drafting out blog posts, learning about creating alternative Instagram accounts, Facebook pages, and Youtube channels, I am finally ready to begin.

I will be clear about what I hope to achieve, and what I expect, or plan, to achieve. I would absolutely love if my blog and associated accounts became wildly popular, shared and enjoyed all over the world by countless people, inspiring people to get out and explore the world themselves, to get off the beaten track. And most importantly, if it was popular enough to monetise, in a way that allowed me to spend more time doing the things I love (travelling, being lazy e.t.c.). It is everyone's dream to make money doing the thing they love.

Even failing that, perhaps my individual writing flair, my nose for adventure and my experience as a traveller will alert a publication looking to hire a new travel journalist, or writer of some other flavour.

But those are the hopes and dreams. In a more realistic way, I am truly hoping that my blog will at least reach quite a few people outside of the people I already know, and I hope to be able to engage with people. Not just having people read my blog, but to leave comments, to email me, to send me messages on the various social media platforms I am now attempting to manage.

And failing all that, at the very least, my blog will act as a public travel diary. I learnt the power of keeping a diary while travelling the first time I made a huge solo journey, almost a decade ago, which is something I'll definitely write about in the future. Whenever I look back through the diary, I realise how many things I've forgotten, even things that seemed major and unforgettable at the time. So, this blog will, at the very least, be a way for me to preserve my memories.

So, now it's up to you to help me, if you want. Subscribe to this blog, follow me on Instagram, on Facebook, on Youtube or email me. Comment below, let me know if there's anything you think I should be writing about, if you have advice, or just say hello.

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